Adele D
20.11.2022 21:32

Ограничение калорий ведет к долголетию, увеличению к-ва днк митохондрий (MDNA) и уменьшению воспален...

Статья 1

Caloric restriction without malnutrition extends life span in a range of organisms including insects and mammals and lowers free radical production by the mitochondria

Статья 2
Статья 3

Один из способов жить дольше - потреблять меньше калорий, при этом не имея дефицита и профицита нутриентов. 

To be able to distinguish between caloric restriction and weight loss, we studied the participants after returning to a balanced weight-maintaining diet for two consecutive weeks. The data suggest that most changes observed under the very low calorie diet disappeared, indicating that these changes were mainly due to the acute and marked caloric restriction rather than to the moderate decrease in body weight, as participants did not gain substantial weight during the two weeks of follow-up.

- Эффект от голодания работает только во время голодания и не коррелирует с потерей/добором веса.

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